Data ethics & sustainability as a top priority in 2022

Data governance and privacy raise a lot of ethical issues. Data ethics has become an even more pressing issue for companies in recent years. Mainly due to data sprawl, data ethics is a swiftly emerging field. While the rewards of utilizing data are apparent, so are the risks of abusing or losing the data. Failure to follow data ethically can have detrimental effects and lead to a loss of trust in people or organizations.
While many data professionals follow their ethical approach, there’s no single rule defining how ethics behave in the data territory. Much remains to be learned, discussed and improved.
- Ethical data management = GDPR compliant data management?
Or maybe the other way round? - GDPR compliant data management = Ethical data management?
- Ethical data management = sustainable data management?
Or maybe the other way round? - Sustainable data management = ethical data management?
We will discuss two conflicting approaches:
Data privacy and GDPR – as a tool for ethical data governance and sustainable privacy management:
Data minimization and accountability, as key requirements of sustainable and ethical data management;
AI tools for ethical data governance;
Is ethical data protection only about perfect GDPR compliance? Which compliance level may also lead to ethical data management?
Costs of GDPR compliance – as a threat to sustainability:
Cookie-bars and carbon footprint;
Is GDPR fostering sustainable data management or vice-versa, itself becomes an excessive burden?
At which point GDPR compliance become unsustainable and unethical (examples of DSRs)?
How easily AI may become unethical?
Zero-party data – escape from the GDPR rules?
13:00 – 15:00 I session
Data privacy and GDPR – as a tool for ethical data governance and sustainable privacy management
Mindaugas Civilka / Moderator
Ethical Dilemmas & Data Privacy Anna Romberg / Nordic Business Ethics initiative
Unsolicited communications. Ethical consideration Egidijus Verenius / State Data Protection Inspectorate
The challenge of regulating AI in the EU Gintarė Pažereckaitė / European Data Protection Board
Why and how should business leaders care about ethics in AI Ignas Valančius / IBM
Privacy coins and the law of privacy – a paradoxical relationship? Charlotte Hill / Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
How to marry big data analysis with data protection to produce new kinds of official statistics? Triin Siil / Cybernetica
The battle for personal privacy: governments, tech companies, and NGOs Laura Tyrylytė / Nord Security
Data governance through Data Protection by design and by default Estelle Massé / Access Now
15:00-17:30 II session
Costs of GDPR compliance – as a threat to sustainability
Tatjana Lukoševičienė / Moderator
Metaverse: Privacy Dimension Shifting Mindaugas Civilka / TGS Baltic
Self-Explaining AI Will Change The Privacy Game Kristinn R. Thórisson / Reykjavik University, Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines
Strategies and tools for first and zero-party data collection and management Aleksander Skałka / SALESmanago Customer Data Platform & Marketing Automation
What Is Zero-Party Data and How It’s Transforming Business Ben Parr / Octane AI
Explainable, Multiplatform, Multilingual accurate shield for Freedoms of Information & Speech in OSNs Sadok Ben Yahia / Tallinn University of Technology
Measuring enterprise privacy maturity in the changing regulatory landscape Natalija Bitiukova / IKEA Retail (Ingka Group)
The weird world of genetics and data protection Dara Hallinan / FIZ Karlsruhe